Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Quinoa with Swiss Chard & Cherry Tomatoes

This was dinner tonight. It certainly was delishous, healthful, filling, easy and quick to make when getting home just before 8pm after a day at the office and after-work visit to the gym. All that is true, but the real reason I'm excited about this post is that it was made with produce freshly harvested from my urban garden. As I was arriving home late and tired and not in the mood for shopping, and stumped with a fridge that has nothing fresh in it, I turned to my garden. Hopped out the back door and cut some beautiful crisp fresh-as-can-be swiss chard and picked some ripe cherry tomatoes from my plant. Some of them had started bursting open, so I think my timing was just right!

There's not much of a recipe to this. Basically got some quinoa going on the stovetop, took a quick shower while that was cooking (multitasking is a necessity on busy weeknights:). Chopped chard and halved tomatoes.

Sauteed the chard for just a minute or two in olive oil, then added the quinoa and tomatoes and stirrred. I really wanted to retain the freshness of the tomatoes and basically just wanted them warmed through.

Added to the pan was juice from one lemon, a dash of soy sauce and the smallest splash of rice vinegar. It turned out nice and tangy, you could very well leave out the rice vinegar if that is not too your taste. Salt & pepper to finish. Freshly prepared, balanced and delishous dinner in just over 15 minutes. I considered adding some feta and green onions on top and am sure it would be great, but did not get around to doing so and did not miss it. The tomatoes were super sweet and juicy and balanced so well with the tangy lemon juice dressing. This makes the trouble of caring for my urban garden worthwhile.


1/2 Cup Quinoa 1 Cup Water

Handful Chard leaves, chopped

1/2 Cup Cherry Tomatoes, halved

Juice of 1 Lemon

1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce

1 Teaspoon Rice Vinegar

Bring Quinoa and water to a boil, cover and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes until all water is absorbed.

Meanwhile sautee chard for just 1-2 minutes in a splash of olive oil until wilted.

Stir in cooked quinoa and tomatoes. Add juice, soy sauce, vinegar, season with salt & pepper.

Top with feta cheese & sliced scallions if desired.

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