Saturday, November 22, 2008

Crustless Swiss Chard & Potato Quiche

So I recently discovered Swiss Chard and find that I really like cooking with it. That is great, because Chard (also known as Silverbeet) contains an impressive list of health promoting nutrients. It is similar to spinach and has a slight bitter taste that disappears when cooked.
The variety I seem to use most, is red Chard. It certainly adds some nice color to the plate.
Today's recipe is from Vegetarian Times Magazine and I think it turned out really good. It would make a great lunch, brunch or side dish.
Thick potato slices are cooked and lined in the bottom of the baking dish.
Chard is chopped and cooked with some garlic until leaves are wilted.
The chard mixture is spread over the potatoes, goat cheese crumbled on top and egg & milk mixture poured over. Bake and serve!

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